Featherweight Blue Raven Altimeter


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The Blue Raven combines the tiny form factor and 4 outputs of the previous Raven4 altimeter, with better sensors, more recorded data, more output flexibility, and powerful 6DOF inertial navigation processing that enables safer airstarts and new insight into your flights.   And it’s all easily accessible through a new custom phone application for iOS and Android.  Now available in a 1.0″ diameter form factor with built-in magnetic switch for even smaller av-bays!

  • Know when your rocket is Go For Launch from your phone screen.  No more listening for beeps on the pad or peering into vent holes.
  • All the data from your flight is automatically transferred to your phone when you walk up to the rocket after it lands.
  • Easily modify the default deployment settings with screens tailored for easy access to the most common functions like low altitude main chute deployment, or go for the custom deployment setting screen to get full access to the 22 flight events and thresholds that can control each output channel.
  • A sophisticated built in test exercises all sensors and all outputs with a realistic simulated flight.  Verify that your e-matches work with your battery, verify your flight program, and view all the recorded data from your “flight” from your phone.
  • All recorded data can be saved as text files you can share or email with all the capability of your phone.
  • The app provides over-the-air (OTA) embedded software updates to your Blue Raven hardware so that your Blue Raven can take advantage of all the new features and improvements as they become available.
  • ​500 Hz 3-axis High-Range Accelerometer,  +/- 400 Gs  
  • 500 Hz 3-axis HIgh-Resolution Accelerometer, +/32 Gs
  • 500 Hz 3-axis gyroscope angular rates
  • 500 Hz attitude quaternion
  • 500 Hz aux analog input
  • 500 Hz output current
  • 50 Hz tilt angle, roll angle, and predicted tilt +3 seconds
  • 50 Hz vertical velocity, down-range horizontal velocity and cross-range horizontal velocity
  • 50 Hz barometric pressure and temperature
  • 50 Hz battery voltage and continuity voltage on each of 4 outputs
  • 50 Hz high-precision temperature sensor
  • 50 Hz recording of all flight events used for deployment logic.
  • Flight summary data:
    • Maximum altitude
    • Maximum velocity
    • Max acceleration during motor burn
    • Max drag acceleration during coast
    • Max acceleration during each deployment event
    • Tilt losses during motor burn
    • Tilt angle at motor burnout
    • Horizontal velocity at apogee
    • Vertical velocity before main chute deployment and after main chute opens

Interface Software:

Phone app distribution:
App release through Google Play and the Apple App store is complete

  • Android:   Search under “Featherweight UI” to install the latest release
  • Apple iOS:  Search under “Featherweight UI” to install the latest release

Beta test versions are also sometimes released through the beta test program before they are released through the stores.   To join the beta test program:

  • Apple iOS:  Go to the following link from the iOS device you want to use to install TestFlight and the Blue Raven app: https://testflight.apple.com/join/3HPI9h3W
  • Android:   The beta test program has currently reached its maximum capacity

Phone App Features: (iOS and Android):

  • Watch live data for Go-For-Launch checks at the pad
    • Continuity voltages
    • Arm/Disarm status
    • Live values and health of all sensors
  • Set up each 4 channels with pre-made templates for common functions
    • Apogee drogue deploy
    • Main chute deploy
    • Apogee backup
    • Main Backup
    • Airstarts
    • Stage separation
  • Set up any of 4 channels with custom deployment logic configuration with dozens of options
  • Set up and run a simulated flight, now with simple rocket visualization
  • Ground test your deployment charges before the flight, while slow-motion video and high-rate onboard data are recorded.
  • Auto-download and display flight summary information
  • Auto-download high-rate (500 Hz) and low-rate (50 Hz) data to your phone
  • Share the high rate and low rate data as .xlsx files through all the data sharing methods available on your phone (email, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc)
  • Re-calibrate the accelerometers on your Blue Raven
  • Enable and disable beeps
  • Arm or disarm output channels
  • Auto-download and display of flight summary information
  • Review flight summary data from any previous flight
  • Review the deployment output settings from any previous flight
  • Save deployment output settings to an .xls file to share or review off-line
  • Name your Blue Raven
  • Connect with multiple Blue Ravens and easily switch the live display between them
  • Update the firmware in your Blue Raven from the phone app, over Bluetooth
  • Review graphs of 500Hz and 50Hz data on your phone​
  • Output current limiting to enable larger batteries without risk of damage in case of a short circuited load ​
  • Unauthorized commanding is prevented, by allowing only the first phone to connect to the Blue Raven since it was powered on to send commands.


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